2. Morphology

Here’s a breakdown of the body of Eurypterids:

Body Breakdown (scroll down for more details):



  • Enabled them to tear food, much like a modern lobster.

Eyes:  Eurypterids had two sets of eyes.

  • First set:  larger, lateral compound eyes on the sides of their heads
  • Second set: smaller, light-sensitive eyes in the center of their heads called ocelli.


  • used for protection
  • was generally flexible and did not restrict their motion.


  • long and spiny tail called telson
  • possibly had stingers
  • used as a rudder in some cases for motion/direction

Bonus Facts:

  • the order “Eurypterus remipes” had sharp pincers
  • they used these to prey on organisms in lakes and shallow seas
  • some moved their thoraxes, activating special stinging telson, much like a modern scorpion
  • this is why eurypterids are sometimes called, “Sea Scorpions”

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